Our Human Resources Policy

We have established and carried out our human resources policy since 1992. Accordingly, we have created basic processes and principles for administrative functions, performance management, employee relations and resource planning.

ORES human resources policy and process includes the primary principles above:

  • We open the doors of the right career for educated and newly graduated employees with our various job opportunities.
  • Employees participate in relevant training programs to increase their knowledge and skill levels.
  • Staff can advance in their careers as long as their skills, motivations, and desires match the position.
  • We have shared values. We work with modern, innovative, creative people respecting human rights.

ORES Human Resources Policy meets the company’s human resources needs in accordance with our strategic plans, shared values, vision, and mission. We aim to create an employee profile that respects people, animals and nature. We also respect the personality of the staff while observing the protection of moral rights. We consider diversity to be an asset.

ORES supports its employees in professional development and career planning while allowing them to take active roles in the processes. We obtain our employees’ opinions and guidance for newly developed structures or, in cases requiring changes in the existing structure.

We provide training for our personnel to develop our employees to reach their maximum potential. In the meantime, we recognize and encourage high performance.

ORES supports its staff to fit into a customer-oriented system. We give importance to effective communication with customers, offer creative and innovative works and find efficient solutions for them.

To put these principles into practice, we are following a specific process. This process is dynamic, human-driven and transparent. Respectively, it starts with the evolution of job candidates’ education, ethical values, open-mindedness, motivation and potential. They begin with the orientation process, education and training. Then, the career planning, performance management and award follow these phases.

In short, ORES human resources policy is based on:

* Continuous improvement and education.

* Respecting diversity, ethical values and company images.

*Transparent policies, participation and equal treatment without discriminating individuals by race, religion, or language.

*Recognition and encouragement of motivation, success and creativity.

*Pursuing customer-oriented strategy and working efficiently.

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Human Resources