Pano Panel









* Very easy to detach and reattach the panels by the help of a single pin positioned on each corner.

* Complete foldable display panel.

* Panels from 700 mm x 1000 mm PVC foamboard.

* Up to 2090 mm total height without header and 2430 mm with header.





TAGS: Portable, Displays, exhibition, stand, display stand, roll up, banner stand, roll up holder, folding, exhibition panel, display booth, folding panel, panel displays, faltdisplays, rahmenfaltsystem, display boards, promotion tables, display plinths, free standing, display folding panel, panel displays, faltdisplays, rahmenfaltsystem, display boards, promotion tables, display plinths, free standing, display portable, display, displays, pano, pano panel, q, t, eco, banner, eco banner, rollup, roll up, roll up banner, rollup banner, tesnsion banner stand, L banner, pano

Istanbul Deri Organize San. Blgesi 1.Yol F-9 Parsel 34953 Tuzla-Istanbul / TURKEY
Tel : 0090 216 394 82 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 | E-Mail : sales(at)

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