Dynamic Poster Stand (Simple)





* Unique design featuring fully adjustable componenets.
* Multi-functional display combining snap frames with brochure holders.
* 4 Way post extrusion enabling different configurations.
* 2 pieces post create advantage during delivery.
* Just add a snap frame yourself to make your display double sided.



Tags: double, sided, slide in, poster, stand, dynamic poster stand with front brochure holder, double sided, slide in, hardline classic, dynamic poster stand with front brochure holder double sided slide in hardline classic, Slide in, Poster, Stand, Poster Stand, Slide in Poster Stand, Hafl, header, delta, semi, softline, classic, classic poster stand, header, hardline, info, info stand, delta stand, dynamic, dynamic poster stand, simple, with brochure holder, front, floor sign,floor stand display, floor standing display,floor poster stands, softline classic poster stand, dynamic poster stand, with front brochure holder, double sided, slide in hardline Info, Info poster stand, simple

Istanbul Deri Organize San. Blgesi 1.Yol F-9 Parsel 34953 Tuzla-Istanbul / TURKEY
Tel : 0090 216 394 82 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 | E-Mail : sales(at)oresdisplay.com

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